Monday, July 20, 2009

south beach

in lieu of actual content...

This is the only picture I took as we were driving through South Beach in Miami. As a matter of fact, we were driving through and I made my husband turn the car around and go BACK so I could get this picture. Not because I'm a 12 year old boy or anything.

Yes, I AM also that person who inserts (heh heh heh) the following comments into as many conversations as possible:
"liquor in the front, poker in the rear!"
"rectum? It damn near killed 'em!"

I'm pretty sure the folks at the Pleasure Emporium share my sense of humor, as we drove down the side alley and I don't recall seeing ACTUAL parking in the rear. hmmm.

It probably goes without saying that the In The Butt blog is one of my favorite 'guilty pleasures'. Because everything IS funnier in the butt. My husband won't let me order the stickers yet though, so I haven't been able to deface public property. Yet.

(As a side, yet somewhat related, note - I have been chortling for days because Google Analytics has assured me that someone googled the phrase "dirty old mom" and found this blog. That's me all right!)

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